My ideas turning to reality means I control my own destiny. As the dream manifests, I can see my life lining up with the intention and thought. Of course there’s work involved! We aren’t magicians. But, once this process begins – and you see dreams quite literally coming true – then there’s no stopping you.
Aim high, my friends. The journey is what matters most, anyway. Success is a bonus to the lessons, love and enLIGHTenment you will no doubt experience along the way.
The summer heat is gone, again. It's time to die away old habits and preconceived judgments.
Time to begin.
Towards the new.
Time to bloom into the beautiful you.
The grass is always greener… when you tear down your neighbor's fence and the two of you grow your own, neighborhood food supply.
Have you noticed the sky, lately? Have you no concern for your Mother? Your children won't be happy when they find out how fucking passive you've been towards the people DESTROYING our planet. You fucks. FAKE fucks.
"But, as long as MY family is okay, the government can do whatever they please, right?" You'll say, "Just don't break the law if you want to avoid jail. And, I donated to like 4 things this year! (I’m a good person!)”
‘Eh ‘em, exCUSE me? The fuck kind of thing to say is that? Does that mean you'd support a man being put in a fucking cage if he's found to be..what? Living freely? Living independently? Self-motivated, self-thinking, self-aware? Because, last I checked, there's only 2 crimes a man can commit in this world; taking something from a person without permission and initiating violence against a person.
After that, it's a bunch of hocus-pocus, lock you up shit. After that, it's a PROFITABLE business, the whole ‘cage-filling with innocent people’ racket. Just think of the WAY these sneaky cops TALK to us? Slick tricks and loaded questions to gain authority into the vehicle you slaved to purchase. ‘Driving is a privelege!’, though.” AS YOU RUMMAGE THROUGH MY SHIT?
"Hey, babe, don't look now. But, there's a man in a costume RUMMAGING through our stuff again." "Oh, dear. But, where...oh, where does he have the right, love?"
He DOESN'T. You fucking GAVE it to him you lowlife. Now, go to yoga. But, definitely don't study the Vedic scriptures. Go on vacation to Atlantis Casino. Don't you dare research the possibility of a fallen city, though.
Look. At. The. Sky. But, please, for the life of me, remain calm, breathe in the fucking
ALUMINUM and pretend that it's comPLETELY okay for one group of men to decide they want to control the weather (or whatever the fuck they’re doing! Stop dicking around up there. How ‘bout that? Too much to ask?)
The things you continually dismiss as, 'conspiracy theory', are slowly but surely becoming
GENERALLY ACCEPTED COMMON KNOWLEDGE. You’re just behind! The great awakening is upon us. And, the longer it takes you fucks to understand this, the longer the bad guys can run the show.
Know why? Because they USE your closed mind, and how easily susceptible to programming it remains, to keep their false reality alive!
Your silence is compliance. And, singling out a man for standing up and speaking out against the machine is a nice, low-key way to say you’ve chosen sides.
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