Today, I am challenging each of you to be a pioneer of change within the small scope of your immediate family. For whatever reason, the current systems we have in place (and the acceptable methods of production required to sustain them) are not in the best interest of the people (and animals) in existence, the health of the planet and our future generations. We can't just do the same things our parents did and expect different results.
What we can do is continuously take in new information and combine new ideas with the glaringly obvious things in 'society' that need 'updating' or 'dissolving'. (For an easy example, think, 'The traffic light system')
Along with the obvious issues we face in the world, there is a new and powerful idea being manifested across the 'globe' that has the potential to be the basis for all major change we seek to achieve. Instead of starting with a hammer and a nail and working on one of five broken doors in our home, people are coming to the realization that the change itself has to begin...from within. We need to step OUT of the ring, reevaluate the enemies (of potential - which includes your own mind) and get back in the fight more prepared, with defined boundaries and principles. Gandhi probably said it first, "Be the change you wish to see in the world."
If I'm certain of one thing in life, I'm certain that our potential as human beings is something we can not currently fathom. At this point in the 'early' stages of our collective growing process (and during what seems to be an 'early' expansion of our 'collective' consciousness.), our minds aren't capable of 'seeing' what we truly are. Instead of pointing fingers and blame everywhere we go, each of us must turn the finger around and ask our self, "How are YOU adding to the problem(s)? What can YOU do differently? And, more importantly, WHY would you want the world to be a better place? WHY do you CARE?" (More on this idea of 'potential' later.)
We CAN be grateful for the vast amount of amazing ideas the people before us have turned (manifested) into reality. We can be grateful for the blood, sweat and tears. Most of this stuff was well thought out and in place for us the very second we were born. We've come very far as a human race. No doubt that our parents, grandparents and ancestors should be acknowledged, praised and remembered for all of eternity.
For the current generations pushing 45, 35, and even 25 years old, how are we to be remembered? For accepting all that is as is and participating blindly? For disregarding our instincts and letting other people tell us how to think? For eating it because it tasted good and was prepared quickly? For never learning how to build a fire? For cognitive dissonance? For our obedience and our ALL CAP FACEBOOK POSTS?
I think the title of this blog would work out nice, if we were to be remembered as just that. And, if the next generations followed suit - changing, progressing, evolving - we'd be right on track for the fulfillment of our potential. Can you imagine? Can you truly imagine the possibilities of our Human Collective Potential? I know it's hard with the current reality you may live in.
Maybe the first thing you can try to consider as a possibility of our true potential is that the imagination itself - anything your imagination can dream up - is, in fact, ...possible.
All of it.
What we can do is continuously take in new information and combine new ideas with the glaringly obvious things in 'society' that need 'updating' or 'dissolving'. (For an easy example, think, 'The traffic light system')
Along with the obvious issues we face in the world, there is a new and powerful idea being manifested across the 'globe' that has the potential to be the basis for all major change we seek to achieve. Instead of starting with a hammer and a nail and working on one of five broken doors in our home, people are coming to the realization that the change itself has to begin...from within. We need to step OUT of the ring, reevaluate the enemies (of potential - which includes your own mind) and get back in the fight more prepared, with defined boundaries and principles. Gandhi probably said it first, "Be the change you wish to see in the world."
If I'm certain of one thing in life, I'm certain that our potential as human beings is something we can not currently fathom. At this point in the 'early' stages of our collective growing process (and during what seems to be an 'early' expansion of our 'collective' consciousness.), our minds aren't capable of 'seeing' what we truly are. Instead of pointing fingers and blame everywhere we go, each of us must turn the finger around and ask our self, "How are YOU adding to the problem(s)? What can YOU do differently? And, more importantly, WHY would you want the world to be a better place? WHY do you CARE?" (More on this idea of 'potential' later.)
We CAN be grateful for the vast amount of amazing ideas the people before us have turned (manifested) into reality. We can be grateful for the blood, sweat and tears. Most of this stuff was well thought out and in place for us the very second we were born. We've come very far as a human race. No doubt that our parents, grandparents and ancestors should be acknowledged, praised and remembered for all of eternity.
For the current generations pushing 45, 35, and even 25 years old, how are we to be remembered? For accepting all that is as is and participating blindly? For disregarding our instincts and letting other people tell us how to think? For eating it because it tasted good and was prepared quickly? For never learning how to build a fire? For cognitive dissonance? For our obedience and our ALL CAP FACEBOOK POSTS?
I think the title of this blog would work out nice, if we were to be remembered as just that. And, if the next generations followed suit - changing, progressing, evolving - we'd be right on track for the fulfillment of our potential. Can you imagine? Can you truly imagine the possibilities of our Human Collective Potential? I know it's hard with the current reality you may live in.
Maybe the first thing you can try to consider as a possibility of our true potential is that the imagination itself - anything your imagination can dream up - is, in fact, ...possible.
All of it.
And, if you immediately doubt this idea, do me a solid and ask yourself TRUTHfully and HONestly WHY you have decided to place 'limits' on the one thing you live inside, the one thing you live 'as'. Where dreams, emotions, pride, passion, love, relationships, memories, perspective, excitement, anguish, pain and fear ALL live...your consciousness...that undefinable, invisible, 'you'. You've placed limits on a miracle's capabilities, as if you have any idea how any of this shit works. You've done this, as opposed to believing in potential, agreeing with the law of attraction and creating an idea worth pondering. You'd rather accept the script you were given for the movie of your life and doubt you play a part in writing a new, unexpected ending.
What's that thing where they're always telling us we only use 10% of our brain? Is anyone else interested in this other 90%? Maybe the idea of separate dimensions with different physical laws of nature? Eternal bliss? A twin flame you've dated and loved and hated in a million different reincarnations on a million different planets? A lazy river of God Milk that you float upon in pure ecstasy that's a journey (like a movie) through all the important moments and events in your life you've regressed or forgotten? The events being played out by all the different characters you've dreamed up and met along the way? On a moving stage that's a boat floating directly in front of you (with a butler from Planet Taste Bud on the grill?)
This is the kind of stuff I like to imagine can happen. The more I see (and feel) love from the Earth, the more I believe in the magic. It's like, "Mom would never show us the play room with all the toys only to tell us it was all made up and unattainable. Right?" So, why would 'God' equip us with an imaginative mind only for us to find out that 'dreams' are...what? A tease? Fake? We're just 'making shit up' in our minds? Shit we think would be awesome? We're supposed to 'shut that shit off' and 'get back to work'? Grow up?
If you know God at all, you may know Him (Her) to never be this type of 'person'. More than likely, She is teaching us how (to live, to love, to attain the 90%) to be properly prepared to handle what's to come, this new 'power' we'll have.
It's not a fucking game (although, it is 'kind of' a game at the same time.) That's a truth I've placed into my 'Universal Truth Folder', which holds very few truths that I'd appropriately d*e for. The more connected I become TO the Earth, the more the Earth reveals it's universal truths and wisdom. The way I use the knowledge determines if I'm granted access to more. The more that gets revealed, the harder I swallow. 'Shit gets deep', and I'll just leave that right there as just that.
Maybe there's no Hell. Maybe we shouldn't be 'afraid' of God (maybe). Maybe if we fuck up our whole lives, we just go somewhere else or die. But, what if? What if the thing that we lose by living a certain way (destructively, hateful, violently) is access to the 'more'. What if God has decided that we are equipped with everything we would possibly need to 'see' this truth? She's not a hateful entity. So, punishment's not really her thing. But, She WILL assume that, eventually, you'll be humbled and grateful by Her Earth and Her Presence. She WILL offer you love. She DID put the truth in your heart, so that you can FEEL right and love and light from wrong and dark. So that you can FEEL Her CONNECTED to you.
She's waiting for you to see what you are made of.
So, maybe the lesson at that point is for us to slowly awaken to the possibilities of infinite everything, a 'slow reveal', perhaps. (females are pretty well known for those, eh?) As more and more people unattach themselves from the conditioning and programmed nonsense we've been fed growing up, they all start to turn from 'without' to 'within'. Shit gets real quick.
Some people call it, "Escaping the matrix." Or, simply, "The Awakening". It's a restart. And, if you're new to it, just google things like, 'The Awakening of Consciousness', 'The 11:11 Movement', or 'Breaking from the Matrix'.
For the 'awakened' ones, because of what's ACTUALLY going on in the world - especially in comparison to this new succession of realizations we're having - we then have NO CHOICE but to do our best in the collective awakening process. (We can call it, 'Awakening to our true potential' for the sake of this essay.)
There's another Universal Truth I've almost accepted into my folder, that the attainable 'more' can only be accessed when we ALL wake up. It'd be a pretty simple lesson, right? Hard work pays off. You were given life and that's amazing in itself. You can take life and your little 'personality' and run wild in egotistical gains, pornography and lines of crazy chemical concoctions if you'd so please.
Or, you can see life as the ultimate lesson. You can consider the possibility that the 'final' lesson you'll learn is that WE are ONE. We are ALL a part of the ONE. And, that, whenever you dislike or hate someone, it's because you are simply seeing the fucking reflection of the part of your true self that you haven't come to terms with yet. (It's like the military guy eating dinner with the vibrant gay guy. It's a misunderstanding and a lack of information (and compassion) that makes them question each other's choices and motives. It's not, "All gays are weird." Or, "All military guys are scary." It's getting to know the many different sides of you.)
You can see life as the mysterious, wonderful journey that can go on and on and never end. Alice in Wonderland shit. You can reach for the stars. You can take the childlike wonder back from this 9-5, OCD animal you've let yourself become. You can literally see fear as nothing but a shadow to your inner light, your 'Divine connection to the Cosmos'. You can laugh at yourself when you realize that we never had to take it so seriously. You can imagine a better world for our future, a world where we'll all stop and think, " never had to be this bad."
We just have a little work to do. So, take your fucking hammer and start exploring the amazing depths that reside inside of you. (Take some LSD, some 'magic' mushrooms.) Go to the desert and eat some peyote and come to terms with all your inadequacies and weaknesses. Come back to your family a better man. Meditate. BeLIEVE in the power of your 'vibe', your 'aura', your 'energy'. Thoughts MATTER. You don't HAVE to even listen to yourself. Stop thinking for a moment and just look at the sky. PreTEND you're a child again, as you gaze upon the millions of stars above us.
Everything that is...hasn't been revealed to us yet.
What's that thing where they're always telling us we only use 10% of our brain? Is anyone else interested in this other 90%? Maybe the idea of separate dimensions with different physical laws of nature? Eternal bliss? A twin flame you've dated and loved and hated in a million different reincarnations on a million different planets? A lazy river of God Milk that you float upon in pure ecstasy that's a journey (like a movie) through all the important moments and events in your life you've regressed or forgotten? The events being played out by all the different characters you've dreamed up and met along the way? On a moving stage that's a boat floating directly in front of you (with a butler from Planet Taste Bud on the grill?)
This is the kind of stuff I like to imagine can happen. The more I see (and feel) love from the Earth, the more I believe in the magic. It's like, "Mom would never show us the play room with all the toys only to tell us it was all made up and unattainable. Right?" So, why would 'God' equip us with an imaginative mind only for us to find out that 'dreams' are...what? A tease? Fake? We're just 'making shit up' in our minds? Shit we think would be awesome? We're supposed to 'shut that shit off' and 'get back to work'? Grow up?
If you know God at all, you may know Him (Her) to never be this type of 'person'. More than likely, She is teaching us how (to live, to love, to attain the 90%) to be properly prepared to handle what's to come, this new 'power' we'll have.
It's not a fucking game (although, it is 'kind of' a game at the same time.) That's a truth I've placed into my 'Universal Truth Folder', which holds very few truths that I'd appropriately d*e for. The more connected I become TO the Earth, the more the Earth reveals it's universal truths and wisdom. The way I use the knowledge determines if I'm granted access to more. The more that gets revealed, the harder I swallow. 'Shit gets deep', and I'll just leave that right there as just that.
Maybe there's no Hell. Maybe we shouldn't be 'afraid' of God (maybe). Maybe if we fuck up our whole lives, we just go somewhere else or die. But, what if? What if the thing that we lose by living a certain way (destructively, hateful, violently) is access to the 'more'. What if God has decided that we are equipped with everything we would possibly need to 'see' this truth? She's not a hateful entity. So, punishment's not really her thing. But, She WILL assume that, eventually, you'll be humbled and grateful by Her Earth and Her Presence. She WILL offer you love. She DID put the truth in your heart, so that you can FEEL right and love and light from wrong and dark. So that you can FEEL Her CONNECTED to you.
She's waiting for you to see what you are made of.
So, maybe the lesson at that point is for us to slowly awaken to the possibilities of infinite everything, a 'slow reveal', perhaps. (females are pretty well known for those, eh?) As more and more people unattach themselves from the conditioning and programmed nonsense we've been fed growing up, they all start to turn from 'without' to 'within'. Shit gets real quick.
Some people call it, "Escaping the matrix." Or, simply, "The Awakening". It's a restart. And, if you're new to it, just google things like, 'The Awakening of Consciousness', 'The 11:11 Movement', or 'Breaking from the Matrix'.
For the 'awakened' ones, because of what's ACTUALLY going on in the world - especially in comparison to this new succession of realizations we're having - we then have NO CHOICE but to do our best in the collective awakening process. (We can call it, 'Awakening to our true potential' for the sake of this essay.)
There's another Universal Truth I've almost accepted into my folder, that the attainable 'more' can only be accessed when we ALL wake up. It'd be a pretty simple lesson, right? Hard work pays off. You were given life and that's amazing in itself. You can take life and your little 'personality' and run wild in egotistical gains, pornography and lines of crazy chemical concoctions if you'd so please.
Or, you can see life as the ultimate lesson. You can consider the possibility that the 'final' lesson you'll learn is that WE are ONE. We are ALL a part of the ONE. And, that, whenever you dislike or hate someone, it's because you are simply seeing the fucking reflection of the part of your true self that you haven't come to terms with yet. (It's like the military guy eating dinner with the vibrant gay guy. It's a misunderstanding and a lack of information (and compassion) that makes them question each other's choices and motives. It's not, "All gays are weird." Or, "All military guys are scary." It's getting to know the many different sides of you.)
You can see life as the mysterious, wonderful journey that can go on and on and never end. Alice in Wonderland shit. You can reach for the stars. You can take the childlike wonder back from this 9-5, OCD animal you've let yourself become. You can literally see fear as nothing but a shadow to your inner light, your 'Divine connection to the Cosmos'. You can laugh at yourself when you realize that we never had to take it so seriously. You can imagine a better world for our future, a world where we'll all stop and think, " never had to be this bad."
We just have a little work to do. So, take your fucking hammer and start exploring the amazing depths that reside inside of you. (Take some LSD, some 'magic' mushrooms.) Go to the desert and eat some peyote and come to terms with all your inadequacies and weaknesses. Come back to your family a better man. Meditate. BeLIEVE in the power of your 'vibe', your 'aura', your 'energy'. Thoughts MATTER. You don't HAVE to even listen to yourself. Stop thinking for a moment and just look at the sky. PreTEND you're a child again, as you gaze upon the millions of stars above us.
Everything that is...hasn't been revealed to us yet.
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