This week is a 'CHECK-IN' for the blog.
Since most people know me as 'The Living and Breathing Man from the Earthly Realm', I will stay focused on checking in on the current status of the surrounding Physical World (as opposed to checking in on my 'spirit world').
But make no mistake about it ... even though I stand on Earth ... where I am from (and where I shall return) ... is far ... far far away from here.
As I re-member who I am (as I align with my truest and highest potential), I am actually activating dormant packages of DNA within myself.
The Flower of Life unfolds before (and within) us.
Life is a mystery. It is a deep layer of intricate puzzles and paradoxes.
One correct puzzle piece (of Truth) can simultaneously fit into multiple, mind-blowing maps and pictures.
You can learn a hundred lessons that can alter the course of your journey in a thousand different ways, only to find yourself back at the starting line YEARS later (facing the original problem that you avoided in the first place).
At this point you might come to recognize the original 'you' that first faced the dilemma - noting the changes that have taken place within your soul ever since that time.
You'll see the reflection for what it was.
You can learn a hundred lessons that can alter the course of your journey in a thousand different ways, only to find yourself back at the starting line YEARS later (facing the original problem that you avoided in the first place).
At this point you might come to recognize the original 'you' that first faced the dilemma - noting the changes that have taken place within your soul ever since that time.
You'll see the reflection for what it was.
You'll breathe easier as you come to terms with the following fact - you were your biggest critic all along.
The universe was teaching you lessons, and you were being way too hard on yourself for not knowing how to face reality.
One layer of universal truths - learned from the individual perspective of an emotionally and psychologically unique human being - can create a one-of-a-kind landscape inside the mind of a million different people at once. Each experience, interaction and subsequent lesson we learn on our journey can be dissected in a thousand different ways. This is why we never judge, and why we never claim ownership of another human being.
The infinite is why we believe in ourselves.
The second you think you know - the second you close your mind to the idea of infinite - a new lesson is created for you. If its your second or third time around, the lesson will 'cut deeper'.
The only answer that remains when its all said and done is, "Keep going."
And, since I haven't fully escaped this reality just yet, I do feel it necessary to 'check-in' every once in a while in order to keep track of my progress (ascending to the higher realms of existence.)
Maybe I've kept enough of a journal to be useful to a future generation of truth seekers and 'star gazers' one day.
The remnants of ancient civilizations - with more advanced technology than us - have been discovered by archaeologists. A group of people with that much collective brain power...have been completely wiped from the Earth forever.
They left behind a few clues that have only led to a grander version of astonished curiosity and wonder.
We had been moving fairly linear in a direction towards...something. We were never sure exactly where technology and science would get us. But, we all assumed there was something 'at the end of the rainbow'.
Little did we know, the goal of life on Earth as a human being may be to figure out - not only how to escape the matrix - but how to escape the restrictive confines of Earth, itself.
An ascension to a higher dimension may be in order. Death means reincarnation. Life means an opportunity to unite with as many like-minded, light warriors as humanly we can get closer to 'the One' and plan our escape from the Earth.
***CHECK- IN***
I am currently partnering with 2 of the smartest and hardest-working men in Conshohocken on a fresh, new mobile application idea called, Barz App.
For Barz, look forward to some fun, new contests on social media in the next month. You'll also see me (as social media manager for the app) promoting 2 pub crawls in Conshohocken with a few party busses wrapped in Barz App stuff.
The Conshy events will be our first chance to properly introduce ourselves as 'professional networkers and party throwers'. We'll have a handful of models with us, a DJ, extra security and an overall legendary night planned out for our hometown.
In addition to the 2 pub crawls, we are looking to partner with a liquor company that might sponsor the events and provide free shots. We are also in contact with a few fraternities at Villanova University. The idea would be for Barz App to sponsor one (or a few) of the frat parties off campus. If we are able to land either of these 2 'deals', you will definitely hear about it.
Additions to the app are being added as we speak. Not only are you going to be able to find out where the specials are, and where the bands are, we're going to be building a network of industry workers.
This network can be used for job searches, friend searches, information gathering and by any company that would benefit from a one-shot, direct text-messaging option.
The 'industry network' will also include a 'discreet underground' network, allowing 'johns', swingers and people with fetishes the opportunity to 'hook up' through the app.
In the meantime, our 'Crowd' feature is going to allow users the ability to see how many of their friends are at the bar, and which of those friends is male or female. The 'Vibe' feature will move the app towards its final destiny as a 'hookup app'.
Lot of big things planned for 2019 with Barz App.
The blog is obviously up and running. The Concert Was Over is due to be finished by the summer of this year. I've started a cborzbeyond author support page to gain another platform for interacting with any 'fans' I may have.
I am still working at the Limerick Diner. There is an amazing energy inside that restaurant that I believe is attributed to it never closing and never shutting down. It's a machine. The owner is as laid back as it gets. We show up, talk shit, serve customers good food and we walk out with cash. Easy Money.
Me and a friend from the job are going to be running a weekly poker game in the back of the diner. We'll rotate as dealers and we are currently looking for about 10 steady poker players. Minimum buy-in will be about 60 points. The new poker table and chips are on order. Contact me if you are interested.
I'm learning to build websites. In the meantime, I'll be starting a YouTube channel. The feature will be me and my new roommate, Victoria. We are going to be playing a couple that gets themselves involved in precarious and comical situations throughout the apartment.
We'll also be recording cover songs, buying beats and writing lyrics for new songs and making music videos to existing and new songs. Be on the lookout for a marketing campaign pushing the new YouTube channel. You guys are going to LOVE my new roommate. @batvgirl13
Other than that, things are great. I am almost all the way unplugged from the matrix, including the concept of time. My brain is firing on all cylinders. I am being guided. And, I am being given universal wisdom.
A few days after Victoria 'moved in', her and I had an out-of-body experience with shared thought, signs and numerology. 222 follows Vicky around her whole life. She also had a twin sister that died in the womb before she was born.
Well, this particular night, 11:11, 2:22 and just the absolute perfect timing kept happening to us all within a 4-5 hour period. At one point, I literally jumped under the covers on my bed in fear of what was going on around us.
When we asked her friend to give us a number between 1 and 36, Victoria saw the text reply and gasped. I looked up. I knew my Grandmom would play a role in these signs for us.
So, I took a shot, "I know the number he sent you." She looked up, "Oh my...really?"
"Yes. Write down the number and I'll write down my guess so we both know it was 100% true." "Okay. Well, I don't have to write it down's my favorite fucking number."
I'm thinking, "No way. There's just no way that Victoria's favorite number is the same number my Grandmom lived by, and the same number this kid just texted us?"
13. Yup. Lucky 13.
The divine number that was inverted to be made to believe it's bad luck.
Last thing, quickly...I'm a stunt cock.
And, to explain the picture at the top of this post...
The license plate says 'Ayn Rand'. This is the famous author of one of the most incredible books ever written. It just may be the only book I've ever read. I saw this license plate on a car by my Mom's house a few days after I was released from jail for the first time.
The book in question, 'Atlas Shrugged', had been shown to me about 5 months prior to seeing this license plate. I didn't read the book at that time. I did find the plate to be a bit odd. So, I snapped this photo.
Fast forward to the third time I was locked inside MCCF. I run into this nerdy, young kid who I had taken under my wings my second bid. I'm annoyed he's on my block again, and annoyed he's back in jail again. He's got that goofy fucking smile on his face.
"Got a few books here if you want any." "Nah, man. I'm cool."
He shook his head in affirmation. Then, I spotted it. "Is that a paperback 'Atlas Shrugged'?" I read this life-changing book that bid (3rd times a charm?)
I suggest you read this book as well.
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