Monday, February 20, 2017

ChEcKiNg In SeCoNd eDiTiOn. Soon, I'll be too far gone.

I wanted to do another check in before it was too late.  The path that my mind is on will get to a point of no return.  Meaning, I will be so far ahead of the 'normal, 9-5 working, sheep', that I will no longer be able to explain how I got to where I am.

Someone may ask, "Craig, can you help me?  I'm struggling with 'such and such'."  And, I may have to respond, "I'm sorry, that's just too 'bush league' for me to address right now."

(I actually don't think this is possible of happening.  No matter what level of thinking you can jump to, there is always a correlation with your old way of thinking you can compare to the 'new thinking'.  There is usually a way to help the person understand where you are and where you are coming from.)

"Soon, I'll be too far gone."  This is a sad thought.  Before you jump to conclusions and assume I am talking about something negative, let me explain.

I'd love to hang around at my current level of thinking and continue reaching my hand out to lift others up.  But, it seems as though, either people don't want the help, are too consumed in hatred and ego or they are simply not ready.

While driving to work today, I stepped outside of my very comfortable and 'at peace' mindset.  I thought about a person whose day is filled with gossip, always on their phone or at work talking about what other people are doing.

I do not know when or where my non-judgmental thinking started.  But, each time I am about to speak about a person that is not present in front of me, I stop and think if its the right thing to do.  If I do end up speaking about that person, I will usually mention, at some point, that its not good to focus on others.

I will also finish up the conversation with a statement that goes something along the lines of, "Well, you never know.  Maybe I'm wrong."

With any thought or idea you have, you must always leave at least a 5% doubt for the things you do not know about.  There are so many factors to life.  Each individual has been through hardships, breakups, lost love, turmoil, health issues (mental and physical), stress, anxiety, etc.

I've spoken about the benefit of doubt in prior posts.  This is that 5%.  It is a really powerful tool.  Not only does it make it so you will never settle on thinking you know a person fully.  Almost more importantly, it allows you to look at human beings for what they are; creative, complex, incredible and powerful animals with drive, love, potential and passion.

Each person's journey is worth writing a story about.  As long as you have love in your heart, I can understand and rationalize why or how you ended up where you are in life.  As long as you seek happiness, don't give up and stay out of my way, I can rationalize your mindset.  I can understand you.

I would ask you questions about the positive things in your life.  And, depending on the length and direction of the conversation, I would sort of poke at those glaring negatives to see if there was some action you or we could take to help you grow.

I read a quote the other day that said, "You have become such a psychologist that you can no longer get mad, understanding why everyone does what they do."

Not knowing, or 'the unknown', is one of the biggest causes of stress.

Think of traffic.  When the big 18-wheeler is in front of you, and you can't see the accident, it causes more stress than when you actually see the crushed up car on the side of the road.  There is now an explanation to why your day was held up.  And, an accident is a pretty solid reason as to why the other cars had to slow down.  You understand now.

The same goes for a new relationship.  Until you feel fully comfortable knowing the other person, the stress of not knowing what they are doing 'behind your back' will cause turmoil in your soul.  This also goes for the son/daughter-parent relationship.  If your son's phone dies and he hits traffic on his way home, he will be late and won't be calling to let you know.  The stress can be detrimental to your health and the relationship.

By the time he gets home, you're already yelling and passing your stress off to him.  When you're saying, "What the fuck!?  I told you to be home by nine and I told you to fucking call me!" you're really saying, "I love you so much.  And, when you didn't call, I thought something happened.  That would kill me as your parent.  And, now that I'm stressed, I'm going to try and stress you out as well so this never happens again."

Meanwhile, the parent that doesn't assume for the worst, might actually wait around, stress free.  When the door opens, they may ask what happened.  And, after the explanation, they will feel amazing for being such a great parent.

There is some sort of cut off here.  Regardless of how 'far ahead' I feel mentally and spiritually than the 'masses' of most people, I won't ever stop helping others.  There is always an explanation for why people are how they are.  The cut off comes in two separate points.

1)  Its time for me to do me for a while.  The cut off is an actual cut off.  With no results, continuing this path would be insanity.  If I do me for a while, I can come back and help others in stronger ways.  And, instead of helping 'average Joe' at the bar who needs an open mind and ear to talk to, I can take my guided soul towards helping those bigger issues humanity is facing more than ever.

Here is my second cut off.  And, what I mean is, I can understand everyone and everything they do.  I can rationalize their thinking and give them a benefit of the doubt, always.


2)  Can I look at a murderer and understand them?  Can I look at a rapist and understand them.  I don't know.  Do I fully understand the brain as a neuro-scientist might?  Do I know if this person was abused as a child?  Or, maybe born with a mental defect?  Who was the person they killed or raped?  Was there love and passion involved?

Of course, in no way, am I saying that murder and rape are not horrible, disastrous and evil things.  What I am saying is, the psychology behind why the murder or rape happened, is way beyond my mind's current ability to think.  If you raped because you were horny and the girl was hot, on one end, then yes, of course, this is wrong and needs to be dealt with accordingly.

If you raped because you were raped as a child.  Because you were born with a facial defect and were considered 'ugly'.  You were made fun of for twelve straight years in school.  Because you never experienced sex and because you were addicted to porn.  Maybe your brain had a chemical imbalance that presented love in a different form.

You saw this female, and you loved her.  And, your broken brain combined with your broken soul.  You felt a rush of passion and, the rest is repeating history.

This person is still in line for some sort of rehabilitation.  A cage?  I don't know.  Some help with a therapist?  Yes, for sure.  And, again, I am not siding with the fucking rapist.  Get that shit out of your head immediately.  I am talking about extreme cases of understanding here.

Here's the cut off on that shit.

Pedophiles.  Straight up and simple.

If you fuck or hurt a child, I have no rationalization for you or that action.  You are sick in the head and we need to round you fuckers up until we can figure out what to do with you all.  Pizzagate was confirmed to be real.  Child sex trafficking is a real thing.  It is prevalent among politicians, the powerful, in-control elite and overall abusive and disgusting rich people.

Right now, as you read this, picture a basement.  There's four young girls and three young boys huddled up with tape around their mouths.  They are scared.  They are in pain.  They might be hooked on heroin so they have no escape.  They don't know any better.  Some still think they are 'playing' when the big, fat, american tourist pays money and walks in to select his 'victim'.

This is my calling.  This is where I will help the world most.  I've decided to dedicate at least a year of my life towards finding and 'terminating' pedophiles.  But, more importantly, towards finding and saving those children.  I haven't decided when.  The small 'ping' of drive inside my heart to do this is growing by the day.

In the end, I must thank the 'small problem' people in my life for not giving a fuck and not wanting to change for the better.  You have done an incredible justice to those that actually need my help.

---If anyone has any information about joining a group that brings justice to the children of sex trafficking, or if anyone wants to join me, my email is:

---Here are just a few links that are coming out about the rampant pedophilia problems we have in this world:   (800,000 kids missing per year in the United States.)

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