Friday, April 20, 2018

Sexual EnErGy

If God created the love, he must’vcreated the lust.
   Sexual energy is one of the most powerful forces in the universe.  It has the ability to grab on at the depth of our spirit and hold us with it’s relentless grip, seducing us into an autonomous state of existence and beaming us towards the intensified heights of emotional ecstasy.
Just when we thought we had the freedom of choice, in the split second of a flashing moment, we are hit with an overwhelming desire from the depths. The desire sways us towards an idea and pulls us into a decision to act as if we’ve been programmed to succumb to an animalistic instinct of reproduction. As if we are, at the core of our existence, slaves of desire.
Growing up, we were led to believe that sex is the simplest and lowest form of desire. We were told not to talk about sex, to avoid pornographic material, to wait until marriage to engage in sex and to avoid promiscuity. For some of us, we followed along, trusting our educators under the assumption they had our best interests at heart.  
We forced ourselves to disregard a natural desire, hiding in bathrooms and under blankets with guilt on our mind as we fingered and jerked ourselves off. Then, we got to college and compensated for lost time with alcohol induced orgies of sperm and sweat.
   In our time, the idea of the female goddess has been inverted by the dominant male to be made to believe she is a ‘whore’ or a ‘slut’ if she has ‘too much sex’. Meanwhile, a man is a man if he conquers multiple women in short periods of time with his ‘sword of power’.
Too much sex? 
As the female continues to gain her God-given independence, the double standard is slowly washing away from the collective conscious of the awakened.
Again, the agenda-driven, powerful people of the world have used things like STD’s and unwanted pregnancies (fear and guilt) to keep their little secret(s) tucked safe from society. Of course we’re to be safe in our sexual endeavors. Of course we’re to avoid transmitting disease and sending aggressive, Olympic-swimming sperm into an unprepared womb.
But, the fuck if I’m supposed to be afraid of sex, or to think that it’s - in any way, shape or form - a ‘disgusting’ experience to be swept under the rug of the openly talked about. Let’s fucking talk about it.  Let's embrace the beauty of sex.
   On the contrary to the ideas we’ve been taught to believe, a sacred communion of divine love energy. Their ‘little secret’ is this fact. If you’ve read a certain Dan Brown novel, or you’ve seen a movie like ‘Eyes Wide Shut’, you can see the tiny hints towards a bigger picture. Hollywood is just as good at glorifying the nearly impossible as they are at subliminally showing you the truth.
This ‘sacred sex’ is performed with the idea that the communion between two spiritual beings is a heavenly experience of pleasure and love given to us by God to enjoy as a celebration of life. To the underground, ritualistic ‘sex clubs’ we intuitively know exist inside the networks of the elite and powerful, this reality is created by the thought. They believe it to be true. They act as if it’s true. Therefore, it’s real. 
What I’d love for you to believe and understand as self-evident truth, is that this isn’t something reserved strictly for the elite.
   There is something else present during the exchange of sexual energy between two human beings. That something is the omnipresent universal energy. The sexual energy that is available to us in the universe can add an immense amount of intensity to the experience.
You can enter into a communion of energy with the understanding that you and your partner have been gifted with the blessings of God. You can enter into the experience with a sacred and honored attitude, held together by gratitude, powered by positive intentions and acted upon in the thrill of seeking new adventure. You can enter into the experience through the channel of love, using sex as a connection between your spirits and the available networks of universal opulence.
We can either let the energy and ideas control us, succumbing to mindless whims on a drunken binge and guiltily grasping in simple approaches to a complex process. Or,we can learn how to exist inside of the divine energy and maximize the potential of the act.
   Ayn Rand said that ‘sex is a celebration of values’. If two people value pleasure, time and the fulfilling of desire, then those two people are entitled to lock the bedroom door and worship the temple of the body.
We can embrace sex in a manner of love and marriage, or we can find a partner for a quick taste of heaven in the dressing room of the local department store. Either way, the understanding of sex as a divine celebration can empower us to self-exploration, self-esteem and rise us to the orgasmic heights of a natural and passionate pursuit.
Remember that the universe is a magical place with infinite possibilities.  You can fulfill your desires in a respectable manner while opening your mind to new ideas and visualizing the energy surrounding your bedroom as a willing participant in the endeavor.
Don't be afraid.  Talk about it.  There are thousands of books and internet videos on the many different approaches to sex.  Everyone has a desire and a fetish.  Explore your mind and openly request for your desires to be filled by your sexual partner, no matter how outlandish they may seem.  
Have fun.  Enjoy more sex!  

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