Thursday, May 10, 2018

Know Your EnEmY.

     There is only one requirement for the population to achieve it's potential destiny;  Freedom of the individualA mind that is free from restraint, preconceived judgement and self-doubt creates a life of meaningful clarity and purposeful direction.  When one individual is free, he can respect and advocate for the freedom of his fellow man.  Free men build each other up as opposed to oppression, comparisons and finger pointing. 

A free man breathes in with confidence and walks upright towards his purpose. He doesn't have any moral obligation towards another man. The free man only has a moral obligation to himself.

Anything that stifles creativity and independence, makes you doubt yourself or attempts to stunt your growth is the enemy of freedom.  We must unite against the enemy of freedom and lift our collective thinking to a higher vibration of love.

     Don't be confused about the many powerful gifts you possess as a human being. Understand and trust yourself before you attempt to understand and trust something else. You are more powerful than you currently think you are. You have many abilities. These abilities can be unleashed in a split second under pinpoint accuracy and have long-reaching effects on your life and the lives of those around you.

One of the priceless blessings we hold in our repertoire of universal guidance is the ability to confidently label the identity of our enemies.  Don't underestimate this strength.  Don't doubt your intuition when its trying to tell you that something is acting as a negative influence to your growth. 

Don't forget to sharpen the knife before you start slicing negativity out of your life. The path you are on is full of overgrown weeds that are dying to cling on to their old ways and keep you unoriginal and indoctrinated. These weeds must be hacked away with confidence as you create your own, unique trail towards the destiny you deserve. Your perspective is a sword. You create your own reality. Your mind is, by far, the most powerful entity in the entire world.  And, a true leader does not want followers, he wants more leaders.

     We must have the courage to justifiably label people (and institutions of people) for exactly what they are. If a person or an institution is non-transparent, meaning we can not prove with facts and evidence that they are acting immorally or against an objective standard of morality, then we can call them out for their non-transparency.

It's that simple. We can rail on an institution for their secrecy, and the foggy disposition of their character, just as tough as we would had we sifted through the fog and found them, for example, having sex with children.

If you are a major institution with long-reaching power and control, and you want to be non-transparent about your intentions and agenda, then you might as well be having sex with children. (I'm fairly certain a lot of the major institutions of the world are doing just that. Even though the evidence has yet to completely surface on this theory, the non-transparency in relation to the absurdity of the possibility has to be addressed with intense skepticism. We are no longer going to 'take their word for it'. The time is now to call for full disclosure and transparency among everyone, especially institutions.)

Justice is treating another man as they deserve to be treated. At its core, justice is a strong principle we can rest our morals, thoughts and actions upon. The justice 'system' may be flawed. But, the idea of justice is a basic principle of human beings.

Justice goes both ways. If something is not okay with you, you have every right to move away from it. And, when something is acting like a fucking champion of morality, you have the obligation to recognize this entity as a proper standard of good value. You can trade value for value with a morally sound person and have solid, voluntary relationships with people and institutions.

If your consciousness has a goal of peace and a desire to freely explore the world in it's natural state of independence, then the enemy of your consciousness (and potential) is anything that causes you to throttle your happiness and growth. The enemy of your consciousness is anything that attempts to take up the clear space of your thoughts. The enemy of your consciousness is anything that attempts to make you feel a negative emotion for doing something you have every God-given right to do as a free human being.

     Don't be naive. There is an enemy. You can seek out this enemy and find a very specific party to blame.  (You won't be able to get too specific. The transparency and immensity of the blame-passing, finger-pointing enemies of your life makes them very good at confusion (and coercion).)

I am here to tell you that there is something very large and deceivingly friendly that is responsible for a large part of your struggles in life. There is also a very good chance that this enemy, not only planned your downfall, but succeeded to do so over a long period of time to a very large group of your peers.

You can be confident knowing that conditioning was a major part of what made you who you are today.  The physical enemy was the square box we call our television and the antique version of education we received in our reward-based school systems. The 'programming' you sat in front of and slowly became mesmerized to was designed to make you believe that life and society have a certain set of standards you must live by. The standards transferred over to the schoolyard. And, the penalty for not living by these standards was, and always has been, shame and guilt.

It's important to understand the level of the crime. There are standards of morality. There is an objective reality with unavoidable laws of nature we must live by to coexist comfortably and continue to grow. The fact is, this sort of programming made us reach towards something we were not capable of reaching. It made us believe in a make believe life. Our individualism and free thinking slowly died away during the most important developmental years of our lives.

You were vulnerable.  You saw the world of television as reality.  You compared your own hectic, original and independent life to those people and families you saw on the screen in front of you.  You didn't measure up. (The only ones that did were faking it.)

During the time period of your life when you were naturally becoming who you are, you were basically forced to comply to the reality that Hollywood and the Media created for you.  The reason you were 'forced' to watch the television, was because your parents were working 40 hours a week and it wasn't enough to support and properly raise the family. Among the abundance of Mother Earth, our families were working honestly and earnestly with the intentions of love and compassion to contribute to society and raise their children with integrity.  But...

     40 hours wasn't enough.

We had no time to be properly raised. We had no time to get to know each other on a deep, emotional family level. At the end of the day, there was barely enough time to sit and have a nice, home cooked meal with each other. The kids were ripped from the home early and placed in the care of low paid day care workers. The parents were trapped in a dead end office job. We kept questioning 'why' over and over again and persevered only because...that's what we do.

Promises continued to be made. Wages continued to be garnished by taxation. The money continued to be spent on everyone else's agenda but yours. The reality continued to be blamed on the individuals. The institutions kept growing. Their addiction to power (AKA 'The Great Addiction') continued to drive their motives and actions. 

It may seem as though its too late for a great awakening; for freedom. Even though it is, in fact, not too late, that doesn't give us a free pass to sit and watch it unfold any longer. We all must play a part in the change of thinking. It starts with you.

A human being is the means and the end to his own happiness and self-growth. Nobody can create a happy life for you. The journey is unique. The lessons you learn along the way were meant for you to grow on a personal level. We can relate to each other. We can help each other. But, you create your own reality through the power of independent thought. The more free your mind to paint a beautiful perspective of acceptance and gratitude, the faster and closer you are to finding your true self and your purpose.

Take off your blinders and see the world for what it is. You have one major choice to make that will effect every other choice in your life; Fear or Love. Open your mind to the possibility that your silence is a part of the problem, allowing power, evil and control to thrive.

     If you choose to do so, you can be a patriot of love and a warrior of positive energy, conquering fear and withdrawing from hate at each passing moment.  You can be a part of the critical mass that is currently reshaping the collective consciousness of the universe towards infinite new directions. 

These new seeds of thought have unlimited potential as the only guaranteed outcome.  There is no limitation to what we can do or where we can go as a collective human race.  If you haven't noticed, the world is going through a major change in thinking.  Old ways are dying away, ancient wisdom and secrets are being passed down to the common man and the men and women that have been participating in the many horrific crimes of humanity are slowly and methodically being exposed to the light.

This is something we can all participate in through the power of positive thinking.  First, we must be willing to accept the fact that our potential is nowhere close to being fulfilled.  And, then, we must take off our blinders and compassionately come to terms with the fact that a large majority of the world is still not free. 

A power seeking radar beeps upon the heartbeats of the weak.
'We've Only Just Begun'

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