Thursday, July 19, 2018

EaT the MeaT

---Bill and Hillary Clinton have been surrounded by the 'mysterious' deaths of approximately 50 people, the latest being a fellow patriot named, Seth Rich (more on him later).

The 'Clinton 'Body Count'':

These are the facts:

1) These people died under 'mysterious' and 'coincidental' circumstances.  None of the deaths were simple to solve with an easy-to-identify killer or a rational explanation as to what happened.  All the deaths raise red flags in all directions (flags that would typically call for a further investigation if not for the money and power the Clinton's have held over a long period of time.)

2) The people who died were all tied to the Clinton's network somehow.

3) There was a possible motive - something that might give the Clinton's a reason to do it - in each case.

Everything else involved with these cases is speculation.  And, for some of you, this is when you turn your eyes and move on as if there's nothing to see.  Instead of doing research and staying skeptical of the powerful people in our lives (and calling for full disclosure and transparency), most Americans would rather watch the news and live in the pretend world they've created for us.

This is because things like kidnapping, rape and murder are not something people are interested in talking about unless it's entertainment or it directly affects them.

For example, even though approximately 200 children go missing in the United States every day, most of us will hear this and move along without a second thought.  We may offer up a quick prayer when we hear a sad statistic, but we take no action towards changing it.  (The number, '200', includes missing children that were later found and children that were taken because of a custody dispute between family members.  The rest are abductions, most of which end with no leads and no arrest.)

---In my research, I've learned that Seth Rich worked for the DNC (Democratic National Committee) and was responsible for helping WikiLeaks gain access to Hillary Clinton's email server.  The emails they found and exposed to the public were, very likely, a huge reason as to why this bitch lost the election.

Some of the conversations inside the emails were being held in the cryptic, underground language of pedophilia.  And, after their release, the world (the portion of the world with their fingers not stuck in their ears) was awakened to the very 'inconvenient truth' of child sex slavery and human trafficking.  Since then, more and more people are coming to terms with the very real, and very disturbing, business of buying and selling humans.

It's the odd connection between politicians, power and pedophilia that is most disturbing here.  If we put two and two together, we can see that it's very possible Bill and Hillary Clinton have something very disturbing to hide from the public.  Something so gross and disgusting, they are willing to murder (or pay someone to murder) anyone that threatens to expose them.

Some say that power is 'the great addiction'.  Others continue that theory and say that, 'Once a human being attains a certain level of power in their life, their desires become insatiable'.  I've adopted the theory that (as my friend 'Q' puts it), "These people are sick."

When the truth finally comes out, and the magnitude of Seth's sacrifice is realized, he will be remembered as a great American hero.

---Regardless of what you believe to be true, there is still zero transparency with the leaders of our great world.  These people may not be doing all these horrific things.  But, the fact that so much has happened to make us think it might be a possibility, any rational mind would conclude that, at the least, further investigations may be necessary.

If they have nothing to hide, they would be open to a public hearing by an oversite committee to protect the integrity of the government...and our fucking children.

The man who won the election (the man who gets bashed daily because the majority of people in the world still consider the mainstream media (and facebook) to be a viable source of information) promised he would help destroy the underground world of human sex trafficking.  And, thank God, he is following through on this promise.

If you are against Donald Trump and everything he stands for, you can at least get behind him on this. donald-j-trump-working-end-human-trafficking/

"Per the International Labor Organization, there may be as many as 24.9 million victims of forced labor across the world, with millions going unidentified and unseen."

---The points I've made here are important to understand.  Sometimes, it's not the actual 'conspiracy theory' that's the problem.  There have been plenty of theories that have turned out to be false.

The problem is, because the government has been allowed to grow exponentially and unabated without question for so long, a large group of Americans believe some of these theories to be a possibility.

And, if you think that someone in your life is doing something behind your back you do not approve of, it's only natural for you to try and find out the truth.  Sometimes, you won't sleep until you know if you are being cheated on or not.

There's a funny, little riddle here as well.  It's hard to admit.  But, you're a major part of the problem.  Your silence and allowance are the only way the game of government can continue to play on as it is.  If, in fact, a portion of powerful people are participating in something along the lines of child sex trafficking, your sleeping state of approval makes it a team effort.

On a smaller scale, it's sort of equivocal to the idea of eating meat.  When the burger is sitting on your plate, tucked inside a nice, warm bun and covered in ketchup, you eat it with no remorse for the animal's death or suffering.  You don't want to know how the meat got onto the plate.  It's not because you don't care about other living things and the way they are treated.

It's because you don't see it.  Seeing it would go against the idea of pink kitty-cats and neon cupcakes.

You can, again, keep your mind in the state of butterflies and rainbows as you chow down on a nice hunk of bloody flesh.  Even though you've heard these animals may be treated inhumanely (you may have even seen a video of the brutal conditions they are forced to 'live' in), you still eat.

Here's a connection that not everyone will enjoy making.  Just as you sit and eat your meat, the living contradiction between your morality and your actions, you sit and let children get raped.  It's the same thing.

They say, "Boycott the meat industry!  Boycott seafood because they are destroying our planet and polluting the ocean!"  And, some of us do just that.  We take things we were taught to be okay growing up and we make a personal sacrifice for our children to live in a better place.  To preserve the land and protect the kingdom.

We take the subconscious 'maybe' and admit the truth to ourselves.  Were used to thinking, "Maybe it's wrong to eat meat, especially if the animal is suffering.  Maybe I'm a part of the problem."  And, instead, we tell the truth.  We say, "I'm done participating in this.  I'm done being selfish and passing the blame.  Even though I didn't kill the cow, I paid for it to be killed.  I refuse to allow a contradiction into my moral code.  Eating meat makes me the same as the guy who slices the cow's neck."

That's a choice you can make that puts the world ahead of you as an individual.  You can still have liberty, freedom, food and sex after making this decision.  You can still live and breathe and raise your family.  You can still survive without meat.

You can slowly break the cycle by being a pioneer and doing something different.  And, when you teach your children compassion towards all living things, you'll be passing on a great moral duty of protecting the Earth. also true for government.  You see, when you pay taxes and blindly sit back as your money is spent on war, prisons and the oppression of smaller countries, you are participating in another, larger contradiction.

Again, because you don't see the inside of the jail that's housing non-violent criminals, the Afghan with his head blown off or the child chained to a wall in the basement, you the meat.

What you do see is your own child in your own backyard.  And, that's okay for you.'re okay.

'Nothing to see here'

Knowing is half the battle.  Know that our founding fathers placed very specific ideas into our Constitution that called for the people to question the government at every turn.  And, if they aren't doing their job to the standards set by morality and freedom, know that it's okay to break free from the idea that we need them to survive.

Their survival is depending on your mental state and moral code.  Are you going to stay asleep and eat the meat?  Or, are you going to wake up and be the change?

The idea of freedom is so important, and history has shown that power always corrupts.  If we want to achieve true freedom, sometimes, drastic actions must be taken.  First, we must be aware of the world around us.  We can not blindly follow along with the flag of the United States and assume we are the ‘good guys’.  We must be skeptical.  We must question everything. 

It’s your money.  Stop sending it to the government and expecting them to ‘do right’ with it.  Open your mind to the possibility that this country’s leaders are, in fact, the enemy of freedom. 

This is the first step.  From here, we can all find a good cause to fight for.  But, remaining your best self-advocate, soaring in self-esteem and breathing in with the world around you in debt to no one are 3 things we can do as well.

You are a part of the most powerful organization in the world, the people.  Start acting like you have (and want) control of your own life.  If you are voting for a politician, understand that you are voting for someone to have control over, not just you, but everyone else.  Maybe other people don’t feel as though they need a human being controlling them.

Maybe the ‘golden rule’ is enough.  Maybe, if we just treat each other accordingly, we can be free.  And, with that freedom, comes unleashed and uninhibited creativity and happiness, less war, less poverty.

Understand that there is no shortage on food, land or money.  The problem is, we have given control of these things to madmen.

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