Thursday, August 9, 2018

The TrUtH goes through 3 phases.

The truth goes through 3 phases:

First, it is ridiculed.
Then, it is violently opposed.
Lastly, it is accepted as self-evident.

The Truth:
Donald Trump and A team of MILITARY patriots are currently fighting the greatest war IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND.

The irony is at an all-time high with this one.

The greatest fight for freedom since the American Revolution, and most of the world won’t hear about the conflict until we’ve already won.  There’s a good chance this battle will end without one single gunshot (or one single news report.)  And, at that point, confusion will be America’s greatest enemy. 

Here I am doing my part; slowly awakening the ‘sleeping masses’ to the big picture of what we are facing as a human race.  I’ve been instructed to keep you aware because, at some point very soon, you are going to find out that the people you’ve trusted the most are some of the sickest human beings that have ever walked the face of the Earth.  And, that the crimes they’ve been committing come with no chance for empathy.

The American Patriots are fighting this war for us and want nothing in return but our freedom and happiness.  The good guys are methodically cleaning house.  And, as they sweep their way through the swamps of Washington D.C. - and their big-money, power-hungry friends – we’ve been promised some ‘big name’ arrests for the remainder of 2018.  Until these arrests are made, and the news of the crimes is made public, the world will continue on as if nothing is happening. 

When the truth finally reaches phase 3, it’s going to be scary.  It’s going to blow your mind.  But, me and the other ‘Anons’ are here to explain everything.  All you have to do is ask.  Have no fear.  Have faith.  The power has, and always will be, in the hands of a united public. 

There’s a few reasons why this battle is being fought as a ‘silent war’.  The team of patriots that began coordinating this plan years ago (link below) decided to use their intelligence, courage and - most importantly - the will and passion of the people to defeat their enemy.  They knew what they were up against.  They knew the challenges they were facing were going to take patience and time.  And, they knew the safety of the American people was thee most important factor to be considered.   

Therefore, the ‘good guys’ devised a plan that was literally like playing a game of chess:

Take down a big Hollywood name like Harvey Weinstein.  Make peace with North Korea and Iran (2 countries that are only our enemy if you only trust the news as your main source of information).  Expose a major child sex trafficking ring.  Arrest a few ex-politicians in other countries on major corruption charges.  Listen to the one’s you’ve arrested give up the bigger names in the game.  One by one, little by little, put pressure on the ‘big name’ criminals.  Slowly but surely, shine a light into the darkness of corruption.

They’ve began mentioning the federal reserve and their tactics of economic enslavery that has had us struggling to pay rent for way too long now.  Continue to put pressure on the major players.  Take no mercy.  Expose the media as ‘fake news’.  And, the most brilliant chess move in the history of battle, enter ‘Q’.  (Q is the main reason we are winning this war.  I will explain Q a bit more throughout this article.)

The scope and magnitude of the war tactics the patriots have used against the enemy can only be explained in full by those on the ‘inside’ of the battle.  Calling this plan ‘genius’ is an atrocity of an understatement.  I will do my best to clarify what is going on.  Eventually, we can all watch the movie and read the book to see just how deep the ‘rabbit hole’ went, and just how close we all came to living in some sort of totalitarian, modern-day Nazi Germany.

And, oh by the way, this plan came down to 1 of 2 options while the patriots (also known as the ‘white hats’) faced the 2016 presidential election:  Stage a military coup and overtake the government with force.  Or, find a presidential candidate that loved America, loves freedom, refuses to be ‘bought out’ and is willing to fight (and risk his life) for the people.

It was once said that the revolution will not be televised.  And, this statement is ringing true as we speak.  Those that are plugged in (we are being called ‘Anons’, which I will explain when I introduce our dear friend, Q), understand the level of the crimes, the reason for the silence and the importance of this victory. 

As a dedicated patriot and Anon, I am here to tell you that the world is going through what we all hope to be the final revolution.  It’s being called ‘The Great Awakening’.  People are saying that, when it’s all said and done, this will go down as the greatest story ever told.

So, why do most people have no clue this is happening?  How can there be presidential *assassination attempts, major political arrests (just google ‘political arrests 2018’), thousands of **sealed indictments waiting to be released to the public, ***major gangs of child sex traffickers being arrested, and thousands of CEO’s and ****politicians resining or not running for office for ‘no apparent reason’ and nobody knows about it?

* = Source (below)

Well, that’s mainly because - long ago - the mainstream media was bought and sold like a gang of gutless, treasonous traitors.  The enemy (also known as the ‘cabal’ or the ‘deep state’) uses the media to keep the American people at war with each other.  They create a picture of the world that portrays us as the problem, hoping that we will fight each other instead of uniting and fighting the actual enemy. 
Long ago, the deep state knew – once they had all the power and money – the only thing left to do was keep it.  They also knew the public would not stay civilized and obedient for long under the grips of their enslavement.  Eventually, the people would get fed up struggling to get through the work week on a bare minimum wage. 
The hard-working people of the world would not stand down for long while being forced to pay one company for God-Given ‘utilities’ like water and electric (as opposed to a free market with competition), meaningless money grabs like driver’s license renewals or yearly car registrations, and taxes like a 50% income tax (not being able to freely keep what you earn), property tax (paying the government to claim ownership of the land you own) and the many other unnecessary taxations we face on a daily basis (sales tax, estate tax, gift tax, death tax, etc). 
All this, and the government can’t even figure out how to fix a major drug problem, or an overpopulated jail system?  They can’t even figure out how to give us all healthcare?  Are they doing their job?  No, they are too busy looking out for themselves and bombing third world countries.  Meanwhile, many politicians are collecting $100-300,000 pensions after being found guilty of a, *****sexual harassment charge, for example. 

One of the main truths you must understand in order for all of this to sink in is that, when you switch on your television, you are being LIED to…all day…every day.  They began bashing Donald Trump the minute he made it known he was running for office.  Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton was being accused of all types of crimes and wrongdoings, and we heard nothing from the news.  They are making blatant decisions not to cover the stories that are affecting our freedom and our families.  There are monstrous criminals being exposed, with facts to back up the claims, on a weekly basis.  And, the mainstream media (MSM) is dead…silent.

As the truth always comes into the light eventually (as it is slowly but surely throughout 2018), the liars are digging their own grave.  They are just as guilty as the people they are covering for.
So, yes, the MSM is a part of the enemy.  Many politicians from many countries are the enemy.  As we dig deeper into the rabbit hole, we see that they are participating in crimes that can not be excused.  Not even for a second.  When Mr. Trump said he was going to ‘drain the swamp’, this is what he was talking about.  Getting rid of the monsters in Washington D.C. and their many corrupt partners across the planet. 

Just listen to his words in the following video.  Mr. Trump has been transparent about who the enemy was throughout his run for office.

Some will say, because we are living in the information/technology age, it is now a choice to remain ignorant.  In other words, you can no longer claim you never knew it was this bad.  You can no longer ‘play dumb’. 

Your intuition has been telling you for quite a while now how bad politicians, war and poverty are.  It's been telling you that maybe the politicians were the reason for the war and poverty.  When you watch your son or daughter playing in the backyard, your deepest ‘gut instinct’ tells you that this is not how life on Earth is supposed to be.  That war and poverty are not natural.  These things that we call ‘normal’ are not "just human nature". 

No.  We are not criminals.  We are not born racist.  We do not hate each other.  The average person just wants to earn a living, meet a beautiful man or woman and raise a family.  

It’s time we drain the swamp and get back to living in a world of peace and happiness.  Be excited!  This is happening!  Stay the course!  Trust the plan!  Trust Q!

Another major truth to understand is that all of these things we are dealing with have been done to us…on purpose.  There is no shortage of food, money or water.  We've just allowed psychopaths to have control of these things.  The deep state has attacked us in every way they could imagine in order to keep us separated.  In order to keep us too busy or emotionally drained to stage some sort of revolution.  We are very strong, us humans.  We can handle a lot on our plate.  And, we are ******naturally susceptible to ‘blindly following along with authority’. 

This is why Q, a unified public and the empowerment of the individual (and family), is so important to our victory.  The enemy we are fighting is pure evil.  And, being that Mr. Trump and his team of warriors are for peace, for the people and for freedom, it is literally the greatest battle of good versus evil the world has ever seen.  Q tells us that, the deeper they dig into the corruption – the more they see what these people have been doing with our time and money – the ‘sicker’ it gets.

And, now, I present Q…

You are witnessing/watching the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD.

There is no greater [current] threat to the American people than the FAKE NEWS MEDIA.

There will be no civil war.
MSM hysteria designed to instill fear - change narrative.
NK is NOT advancing their weapons program.
MSM hysteria designed to instill fear - change narrative.

They are scared of you.
Nothing is more powerful than the public being awake and collectively free-thinking / talking / etc.

These are just a few of the posts being placed on the message board, 4chan, by #QAnon, an insider from the American Military Intelligence Team.  These posts started back in October of 2017 and are being followed by millions of people. 

The people following along with Q are patriots that want transparency and answers from their government.  For the first time in history, we are getting just that. 

‘Q’ is most likely a group of people (but could be just one person) whose identities remain anonymous.  This group is dropping ‘breadcrumbs’ to the American public in regards to the silent war that’s being fought between the Trump administration and the ‘Deep State’, or ‘Cabal’.  As people get arrested, or called in for questioning, Q continues to update us on the truth as opposed to what we are hearing on MSM.  

For example, CNN may run a 1 minute clip stating that ‘so and so’ Senator from ‘such and such’ state has retired.  Meanwhile, this person was fired because he or she was involved in some sort of corruption.

Q will ask us questions:  Who is Melissa Hodgman?  Who is Melissa Hodgman's husband?  When was Melissa Hodgman promoted to director of the SEC?  What power did this give her?  When did Peter Strzok get investigated?

When we see a post like this, we go ahead and research the companies, laws and family members of the politician or CEO in question.  This allows us to see that, for example, an FBI agent's wife had been hired as a head of the SEC just before the FBI agent was to begin investigating the Clinton Foundation for security fraud.  What we see, is that the FBI agent was able to thwart a real investigation of his friends, the Clinton's.  His wife was now in charge of the investigation.  Thus saving the Clinton's from exposure.

This is just one of many examples of how Q shines the light onto the truth.  If Q was to blatantly tell us what is happening, not only would he be breaking the law for giving away secret information to the public on an unauthorized platform, we would be, once again, told the news.  Q wants us to do our own research so that we can form our own opinion.  It's brilliant!

These questions allow the Anons to do their own research and piece together the actual story.  These people, the deep state, are so good at hiding their wrongdoings, that you need a map to get to the bottom of the mess.  Q is the legend on the map, the freedom-fighting guide.  With the power of the internet, and the power and passion of the many, growing number of Anons in the world, the public is piecing together the story themselves.  And, one of Q's more famous posts, "These people are sick!"

The light is slowly being shined upon the darkness.  People are waking up to the criminal activity all over politics.  And, the big names involved are, quite frankly, shocking.  (Just to name a few:  Both Bush’s, Both Clinton’s and President Obama.  The last 4 presidents were all ‘deep state’ puppets that had no interest in helping our country or our people.  A lot of Anons are calling for public hangings.  And, after you find out what they’ve done, you may ask to be the one to drop the hammer.)  (a list of all of Q’s posts dating back from October 2017)

Q has proven himself to be real time and time again by placing little clues in his posts that are later repeated in one of the President’s speeches or Twitter posts.  He is confirmed as an insider for the administration.  And, with ‘Q’ level security clearance (Q being top level clearance), he has access to everything.  Within the NSA (National Security Agency), every single text message, phone call and voicemail has been captured and stored. 

A list of Q Proofs:

Just as the deep state was trying to spy on everything the American people were doing (as the patriot, Edward Snowden, told us years ago), Q has now turned the tables on them.  All of the corruption has been tracked.  We’ve got the proof.  The hammer is about to drop!

The criminals we are speaking about have risen to the top of the food chain in politics, media, the Vatican and the Royal Family.  They have become CEO’s of many, powerful companies in the world, including pharmaceutical and agricultural companies (which is why we see so much corruption and unhealthy, detrimental things going on in those industries).  The deep state wants the people to be as unhealthy, tired and confused as possible.  So, they decided to go after our medicine, our water and our food supply.  Yes, folks, it’s literally that bad. 

They are playing a game with our freedom and our liberty, holding on to their grip of power and wealth as much as they can.  They understand what they've done.  And, when (not if) this information gets to the public, it will be very bad for them.

The story goes that these bastards will do anything to keep us divided.  And, now, we have Q.  We have the white hats.  We have the patriots.  We have Trump.  No, he’s not a racist.  No, he’s not a womanizer.  He’s playing a game of 4D underwater chess against a group of sick bastards that never in a million years thought Hillary was going to lose the election.  This left them unprepared.  This left them vulnerable.  With Hillary in office, they would've been able to continue playing their sick, little game.  

We have to thank God that the people showed up and voted Mr. Trump into office.  

They weren’t prepared for the American people to unify.  And, it’s time you join us.  It’s time to get our country back.

Don’t trust the media.  Do your own research.  The Q phenomenon is real.  We finally have a trustworthy insider from American Politics and Military that is for the people.  They are finally getting rid of the corruption that has held this great country back from becoming even greater.

Join US!

*As of June 30th, 2018, there were about 40,000 sealed indictments waiting to be released to the public.  These are crimes committed by politicians, or people of power, that have not yet been brought to trial.  In other words, up until #TheGreatAwakening, they’ve gotten away with it.  Not for long!

**There have been reports of a missile being fired at Donald Trump’s plane (Air Force One) while he was flying to North Korea.  The link below shows another assassination attempt being thwarted by a police officer at a Las Vegas rally.

***This is just one article highlighting one major arrest.  There have been lots more since Trump took office in 2016.  These arrests have exposed major rings of satanic, cult, weird, sex, pedophile sickos.  Just google Allison Mack.  Hollywood is a big part of this connection.  And, they are doing a lot of very bad things.

****This link has an updated list of the ‘big name’ resignations that have happened over the last 8 months or so.  The only explanation I can give as to why so many people in positions of power are retiring, or deciding not to run for office next election, is that they are running scared from the ‘truth storm’.

*****Just one example of the madness of pensions and what these people are getting away with while we struggle with poverty and loss of employment.

******The Milgram Experiment showed on a small scale how people blindly follow along with authority, and how dangerous this can be to the world.  The point is, be skeptical.  Question everything.  Trust yourself.

Q, The Plan to Save the World:

Link Tree all things Q:  (a great place to start)

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