Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Twin Flame Love Story

    Each individual human being has their own consciousness, or 'awareness'.  We all have our own little world that we are dealing with on a moment by moment basis.  We live in this place.  We're sort of stuck there.  

We each have our own perspective, our own personal truths, our own journey of experience, our own mindset and habitual thinking patterns, our own family history and childhood trauma, our own judgement, our own happiness, our own false truths and things we have yet to learn, etc.

Yet, the story of the twin flame is only relevant to those who have not had the experience yet because of something bigger than us we like to call the 'collective consciousness' of humanity. 

This collective 'mind-space' is based upon the idea of a common thread existing throughout each of our individual consciousnesses.  This 'common thought-space' not only remains throughout time, it grows and bonds stronger as more and more people seek and discover universal truths.  

Let me explain.  

The collective consciousness of humanity is not something we put in textbooks and teach the children.  It's constantly shifting and growing, and it remains out of reach to those minds that have been unable to keep up with the speed of information sharing.  It's almost like a club, where the membership to get in is an open mind to the infinite possibilities of the universe.

There's no proof (really) of it's existence.  And, the information is not shared like how we share things over the internet.  In the collective, one person's new discovery of universal truth basically unlocks that truth to the entirety of the members 'inside the club'.  

You can sort of think of the collective consciousness like a huge, growing cloud in the sky.  The cloud only contains the things about life that are definitely true, what we can - without a doubt - call, 'universal truths'.  Anything that remains a possibility (anything that has not been proven false) remains in the a possibility.  (Example:  The existence of God)  

The collective takes everything into account all at once as it seeks new truths.  Some things that we've previously written off as impossible or 'too crazy to believe' have come back around to surprise us as major factors leading to the truth or straight up truths.  (Example:  Astrology)

Beware, though, because this cloud requires a certain level of detachment from the limitations of your individual consciousness.  It's very easy to see life from the perspective of your own karma and, crap, basically.  If you're always looking down at your feet and worrying about the next step to your own life then you'll never look up and appreciate the immensity of the sky above.  

Those of us who are grasping this idea of a collective will always be able to spot a person that is not.  That's because people who are stuck in their own personal drama (and seeing only the life that is directly in front of their face) will often roll their eyes and poke fun of the amazing universal truths we are entering into the 'cloud'.   (Example:  The Twin Flame Love Story)

So, before I can try to explain the twin flame love story, I must get you to understand the idea behind a collective consciousness and, more specifically, how we got there...

     At some point in life, most of us will learn about this idea known as 'mindfulness', which is the act of removing yourself from your thoughts and emotions and instead becoming an unattached observer to them.  

When we think about being 'mindful', we have to think about who we are when we are doing the observing.  The idea itself enters the idea of a 'higher self' into the conversation.

My first experience learning about mindfulness was from a book I tracked down while in jail called, "You are not your Brain".  This book explained how neuroscientists (study of the brain) had looked at human thought patterns and identified the habitual thinking that typically leads to problems like addiction and depression.  

Basically, our brain has the ability to wire (and rewire) itself.  The more we repeat something, the stronger the wiring.  The stronger the wiring, the stronger the addiction, for example.  

We always work in this order:

*Thought -----> Feeling -----> Action*   

(Side Note:  This is a universal truth we must be sure to remember at all times, as it becomes the basis for many other truths.) 

Action, of course, is what matters at the end of the day.  We can be thinking horrible thoughts and feeling major depression all day long, but if we make the right decision at the moment of truth, we're sure to give ourselves a fighting chance going forward.  

On the other hand, if we act on one of these negative thoughts, or on a feeling of sadness or anger, we may end up making a bad choice at the action step.  A bad decision, a bad action, can have consequences attached to it.  These consequences might just enhance the negative thinking and emotion that started the whole mess to begin with.  And, thus, the cycle continues.

These scientists, and the many, many years of (ancient) mindfulness teachings, are asking us to go back and pinpoint the thoughts that are causing the negative emotion.  And, in the case of the neuroscientist, the reasoning for this is simple.  (They also have the brain scans to prove their reasoning correct.)  

These highly intelligent people know from their research that the brain can get wired in a certain pattern of thought-feeling-action.  For example, a person addicted to opiates may have this pattern cycling:  

1)  "I'm not as good as everyone else.  I can't measure up.  I'm just a loser."  -  Thought

2)  "I'm feeling lonely, sad and even angry."  -  Emotion

3)  When they are consciously thinking and feeling (when they are not the mindful observer), they tend to act on the negative.  Therefore, they may choose to escape from their reality with a drug.  -  Action

     On the other hand, what if the addict detached himself from his thoughts and emotions?  What if he learned about mindfulness from a book he read, and he began putting it into practice little by little throughout each day?

What if he was able to identify the incorrect thoughts?  I mean, if he was actually a loser that couldn't measure up, then mindfulness would just end up a painful reminder of his shortcomings.  

But - and here's the difference - this person went out of his way to read that book about mindfulness (or that blog about twin flames), didn't he?  The person that decided to reach out for additional information - in order to potentially better his life - is the person inside of this addict that seems to be temporarily hidden and forgotten.  

And it doesn't take much to awaken that inner/higher self.

The addict broke free for a moment from his cycle of thought-feeling-action, and he took a chance at making a change.  So, when he started reading about this unattached observer to his thinking and feeling, he actually related to this side of himself.  

     In the book (in the blog), we call the observer his 'true self', or his 'higher self'.  It's the person inside of us that we are destined to become.  It's our all-knowing self that doesn't waste time dealing with incorrect thinking and negative emotions.  

So, when we think of mindfulness we have to think about identifying the negative, incorrect thoughts from a place of knowing - from a place of peace and serenity.  We have to know that 'we are not our brain' as the book's title told us.

A wired brain is a problem when it's starting point is incorrect or negative.  As we observe the thoughts, we begin to see what may be causing them.  As we observe the feelings (mindfulness teaches us to 'sit with the feeling'), we begin to see how temporary and unreal they are.  

The idea is to slowly but surely change the action step at the moment of emotion.  It's a work in progress.  We may still (use the drug) at the action phase a few times as we are working towards our goal.  But, we'll start catching ourselves falling into the cycle.  And, we'll replace the action (of using) with a healthy action our higher self knows is good for us, like taking a walk or exercising.

Pretty simple stuff when it's broken down.  

     Now, ask yourself, what sort of things would this higher self be thinking?  Once you get past the habitual thinking (your brain literally rewires itself to the new thought-feeling-action), you free up some space in your mind - in your soul.

You can now start focusing on the sky a bit more.  And, because the higher self is interested in working towards making you the best person you can possibly become, you'll more than likely continue to read and soak up new information.  This new information will continue to transform you into a higher being.  

And, after a while, you may even start picking up on the collective consciousness.  You've basically, in some ways, entered a higher dimension of thought.  You're now more open to receiving new information.  You've seen yourself grow from of a dark place that, at the time, you labeled as the limit to your own personal life.

You were wrong about that, so you should admit that you can be wrong again...and again...and again.  Now, you are able to question everything you've ever thought to be true.  

Now, you are ready to hear about the twin flame love story, one of the most exciting, new ideas that has entered the collective consciousness of humanity.....


The backstory of the book is worth telling...

My gambling addiction had been really dragging along for almost 2 decades.  Even though it curtailed and, at times, completely dissipated, it was always rearing it's ugly head at some point and causing massive destruction in my life.  

A gambler subconsciously keeps track of all the money he's lost.  So, when it becomes time to walk back into a casino, or place a bet with a bookie, we immediately act as if we are ultimately trying to get back the entire amount we've given away up until that point.  In my case...who might be up around 15,000 dollars........... 


Sunday, January 6, 2019

ChEcKiNg iN......A detailed look into a unique life.


This week is a 'CHECK-IN' for the blog.  

Since most people know me as 'The Living and Breathing Man from the Earthly Realm', I will stay focused on checking in on the current status of the surrounding Physical World (as opposed to checking in on my 'spirit world').

But make no mistake about it ... even though I stand on Earth ... where I am from (and where I shall return) ... is far ... far far away from here.  

As I re-member who I am (as I align with my truest and highest potential), I am actually activating dormant packages of DNA within myself.

The Flower of Life unfolds before (and within) us.
Life is a mystery.  It is a deep layer of intricate puzzles and paradoxes.  

One correct puzzle piece (of Truth) can simultaneously fit into multiple, mind-blowing maps and pictures.

You can learn a hundred lessons that can alter the course of your journey in a thousand different ways, only to find yourself back at the starting line YEARS later (facing the original problem that you avoided in the first place).  

At this point you might come to recognize the original 'you' that first faced the dilemma - noting the changes that have taken place within your soul ever since that time.  

You'll see the reflection for what it was.  

You'll breathe easier as you come to terms with the following fact - you were your biggest critic all along.  

The universe was teaching you lessons, and you were being way too hard on yourself for not knowing how to face reality. 

One layer of universal truths - learned from the individual perspective of an emotionally and psychologically unique human being - can create a one-of-a-kind landscape inside the mind of a million different people at once.  Each experience, interaction and subsequent lesson we learn on our journey can be dissected in a thousand different ways.  This is why we never judge, and why we never claim ownership of another human being.

The infinite is why we believe in ourselves. 

     The second you think you know - the second you close your mind to the idea of infinite - a new lesson is created for you.  If its your second or third time around, the lesson will 'cut deeper'.  

The only answer that remains when its all said and done is, "Keep going."

And, since I haven't fully escaped this reality just yet, I do feel it necessary to 'check-in' every once in a while in order to keep track of my progress (ascending to the higher realms of existence.)  

Maybe I've kept enough of a journal to be useful to a future generation of truth seekers and 'star gazers' one day.  

     The remnants of ancient civilizations - with more advanced technology than us - have been discovered by archaeologists.  A group of people with that much collective brain power...have been completely wiped from the Earth forever.  

They left behind a few clues that have only led to a grander version of astonished curiosity and wonder.

We had been moving fairly linear in a direction towards...something.  We were never sure exactly where technology and science would get us.  But, we all assumed there was something 'at the end of the rainbow'.

Little did we know, the goal of life on Earth as a human being may be to figure out - not only how to escape the matrix - but how to escape the restrictive confines of Earth, itself.  

An ascension to a higher dimension may be in order.  Death means reincarnation.  Life means an opportunity to unite with as many like-minded, light warriors as humanly we can get closer to 'the One' and plan our escape from the Earth.    

***CHECK- IN***

     A lot of people I come across are intrigued by my life.  If I'm completely honest, I would be too.  As of today, January 3rd, 2019, I can say that the universe is revealing all of its glorious possibilities to me in the most humbling of ways. 

I am currently partnering with 2 of the smartest and hardest-working men in Conshohocken on a fresh, new mobile application idea called, Barz App.

For Barz, look forward to some fun, new contests on social media in the next month.  You'll also see me (as social media manager for the app) promoting 2 pub crawls in Conshohocken with a few party busses wrapped in Barz App stuff.

The Conshy events will be our first chance to properly introduce ourselves as 'professional networkers and party throwers'.  We'll have a handful of models with us, a DJ, extra security and an overall legendary night planned out for our hometown.

In addition to the 2 pub crawls, we are looking to partner with a liquor company that might sponsor the events and provide free shots.  We are also in contact with a few fraternities at Villanova University.  The idea would be for Barz App to sponsor one (or a few) of the frat parties off campus.  If we are able to land either of these 2 'deals', you will definitely hear about it.

     Additions to the app are being added as we speak.  Not only are you going to be able to find out where the specials are, and where the bands are, we're going to be building a network of industry workers.

This network can be used for job searches, friend searches, information gathering and by any company that would benefit from a one-shot, direct text-messaging option.  

The 'industry network' will also include a 'discreet underground' network, allowing 'johns', swingers and people with fetishes the opportunity to 'hook up' through the app.  

In the meantime, our 'Crowd' feature is going to allow users the ability to see how many of their friends are at the bar, and which of those friends is male or female.  The 'Vibe' feature will move the app towards its final destiny as a 'hookup app'.

Lot of big things planned for 2019 with Barz App.

     The blog is obviously up and running.  The Concert Was Over is due to be finished by the summer of this year.  I've started a cborzbeyond author support page to gain another platform for interacting with any 'fans' I may have.

I am still working at the Limerick Diner.  There is an amazing energy inside that restaurant that I believe is attributed to it never closing and never shutting down.  It's a machine.  The owner is as laid back as it gets.  We show up, talk shit, serve customers good food and we walk out with cash.  Easy Money.

Me and a friend from the job are going to be running a weekly poker game in the back of the diner.  We'll rotate as dealers and we are currently looking for about 10 steady poker players.  Minimum buy-in will be about 60 points.  The new poker table and chips are on order.  Contact me if you are interested.

      I'm learning to build websites.  In the meantime, I'll be starting a YouTube channel.  The feature will be me and my new roommate, Victoria.  We are going to be playing a couple that gets themselves involved in precarious and comical situations throughout the apartment.  

We'll also be recording cover songs, buying beats and writing lyrics for new songs and making music videos to existing and new songs.  Be on the lookout for a marketing campaign pushing the new YouTube channel.  You guys are going to LOVE my new roommate.  @batvgirl13

      Other than that, things are great.  I am almost all the way unplugged from the matrix, including the concept of time.  My brain is firing on all cylinders.  I am being guided.  And, I am being given universal wisdom.

A few days after Victoria 'moved in', her and I had an out-of-body experience with shared thought, signs and numerology.  222 follows Vicky around her whole life.  She also had a twin sister that died in the womb before she was born.  

Well, this particular night, 11:11, 2:22 and just the absolute perfect timing kept happening to us all within a 4-5 hour period.  At one point, I literally jumped under the covers on my bed in fear of what was going on around us.

When we asked her friend to give us a number between 1 and 36, Victoria saw the text reply and gasped.  I looked up.  I knew my Grandmom would play a role in these signs for us.  

So, I took a shot, "I know the number he sent you."  She looked up, "Oh my...really?"

"Yes.  Write down the number and I'll write down my guess so we both know it was 100% true."  "Okay.  Well, I don't have to write it down's my favorite fucking number."  

I'm thinking, "No way.  There's just no way that Victoria's favorite number is the same number my Grandmom lived by, and the same number this kid just texted us?"

13.  Yup.  Lucky 13.

The divine number that was inverted to be made to believe it's bad luck.  

Last thing, quickly...I'm a stunt cock.  

And, to explain the picture at the top of this post...

The license plate says 'Ayn Rand'.  This is the famous author of one of the most incredible books ever written.  It just may be the only book I've ever read.  I saw this license plate on a car by my Mom's house a few days after I was released from jail for the first time.

The book in question, 'Atlas Shrugged', had been shown to me about 5 months prior to seeing this license plate.  I didn't read the book at that time.  I did find the plate to be a bit odd.  So, I snapped this photo.

Fast forward to the third time I was locked inside MCCF.  I run into this nerdy, young kid who I had taken under my wings my second bid.  I'm annoyed he's on my block again, and annoyed he's back in jail again.  He's got that goofy fucking smile on his face.

"Got a few books here if you want any."  "Nah, man.  I'm cool."

He shook his head in affirmation.  Then, I spotted it.  "Is that a paperback 'Atlas Shrugged'?"  I read this life-changing book that bid (3rd times a charm?)

I suggest you read this book as well.


Sunday, December 23, 2018

AA, NA and the world of 'recovery' - just another dangerous HaLf-TrUtH.


AA, NA and the world of ‘recovery’ - just another dangerous HaLf-TrUtH.

    I don’t have to quote any statistics.  I don’t have to explain to you that our friends, neighbors and family members are suffering, sitting in jail or dying because of a drug or a drink.  At this point, almost everyone in America has had their lives affected in some way by the ‘misuse and abuse’ of ‘narcotics’.

The drug we hear about most?  Opioids.  
Why?  Because they kill…instantly.  Because they killed 72,000 people in 2017.  Because of the intense, physical withdrawal the drug creates in our body.  
     Does that mean I shouldn’t bother mentioning cigarettes?  The slow killer of our bank accounts, our breathing and our health?  (Also, quite paradoxically, the go-to ‘escape’ for the AA and NA ‘newcomer’.)
Alcohol and Slot Machines must be harmless, right? Considering these things are offered in almost every store possible nowadays, one would think the negative effects of alcohol and gambling are comparable to the likes of a simple, caffeine headache.  
Have we accepted gambling as an unbeatable force in this country?  Do we know why the NFL and NCAA are ‘top dogs’ in the world of sports?
What about soda?  Do we really know how bad this stuff is for us?  Meat?  Dairy?  Do we ever really comprehend the slaughtering of animals and how it affects our collective spirituality?  How it affects Mother Earth?
    Point is, if I’m going to talk about drugs and living a healthier lifestyle to a large group of people, I’m not going to ‘leave out’ certain detrimental substances simply because we’ve ‘come to terms’ with them.  There’s an abundance of different chemicals and toxins available to us on a daily basis that could make the case for a thousand different ‘anonymous’ groups.
When you separate ‘alcoholics’ from ‘narcotic users’, you’re literally taking the focus off the individual and placing it onto the specific components of a completely innocent substance.  
Promoting fear is never the answer.  We shouldn’t be placing a drug or a drink on a shelf above us, as if its sitting atop a throne watching and waiting for us to slip up.  We should be empowering ourselves to rise above ALL material objects, as masters of our temple and students of our growth.  
You explored the realm of chemicals and found yourself to be uneducated and unprepared to handle the new lifestyle that came along with it.  Yeah?  So, what?  Get up off your ass, wipe the dust-off (pun intended), humble yourself to nature and walk tall.

     So, to be clear, as I speak today on the problems we are facing with drug abuse and death from overdose, I’m going to address the fundamental issues that are causing us to ‘reach for the drink’, ‘go out for the smoke’ or ‘hit up the bathroom for a bump’.  
There’s really no reason to even mention the specific drugs we are abusing.  The drugs are not the enemy.  Most of them are here, on Earth, for a reason.  Most of them have the ability to affect us in ways that produce euphoria, foster self-confidence, manifest new thought and heighten experience.  
I feel safe saying that a lot of NA and AA attendees probably struggle with the idea of ‘the drug being the enemy’, especially after having so many incredible, personal and meaningful experiences with their DOC (drug of choice).
I don’t think it's fair or progressive to point the finger and blame an external, material object for an internal, spiritual problem.

Why aren’t we happy and fulfilled?

     A half-truth is defined by Google as:  a statement that conveys only part of the truth, especially one used deliberately in order to deceive someone.
This is very important to understand if you are seeking a new perspective on life (if you are seeking a way ‘out of the matrix’).  
The ‘half-truth’ is the most commonly used tactic against the unification and progression of humanity.  It is used by the ‘deceivers’; the ones that have power and control over our independence and sovereignty (and have all intentions of keeping it).  
It’s designed to cause confusion, divide the majority and create animosity amongst us.  As long as we are always pointing the finger everywhere else, we’ll always be unsure what to believe when it comes to the many ‘conspiracies’ and skepticism's surrounding these crafty ‘deceivers of men’.
    Religion is the easiest (and most vile) example of how a half-truth works.  For a long while (a looooong while), it was ‘blasphemous’ to speak against the church.  
No, no, no!!!  They’re doing a lot of good in the world, mister!  And, we’re talking about God, here.  So, you’re just going to have to shut your mouth, sit down in your chair (get on your knees, even) and take whatever they say as truth.”
Yeah, okay.  When I was fucking 8-years-old, this certainly seemed like a viable situation to put faith into.  Even though their outfits and rituals creeped me out a bit, I sat and tried my best to understand this mysterious, worldwide phenomenon of God, Jesus and The Holy Bible.  
It didn’t take long for me to slam the book shut and question why it had to be so fucking cryptic.  “Just fucking say what you have to say,” I’d think in frustration, automatically creating excuses for their odd behavior in my head and justifying their delivery of the message...because, somewhere deep inside of me...I knew a lot of what they were saying about God was true.
That’s the half-truth at work.  That’s the power of the truth.  When we hear it, we know we’ve heard it.  It lines right up with our intuition and our true self deep down within.  It feels so right in fact - to hear the truth spoken from a person we’ve trusted as a ‘teacher’ or a mentor - that we naturally begin to accept everything else they’ve said to us.
    Full on deception.  
They’ve literally taken this amazingly wonderful idea - A slow-developing relationship with God connected directly to our intuition and manifested ungrudgingly in our mind through the experiences and lessons we learn along the way - and replaced this idea (God’s plan for us!) with the false claim that ‘the only way to ‘find God’ is through the church’.  
They stepped in His place, spoke a few of His truths in order to ‘reel us in’ and replaced Him with their own agenda-driven directives and ‘suggestions’.
On top of it all (it goes way deeper when you realize the many half-truths (and metaphoric fables) we’ve been led to believe), they labeled us ‘unworthy’ to ask any questions and way too ‘unclean’ to come face to face with God.
Now that’s blasphemy.
If, then, you do not make yourself equal to God, you cannot apprehend God.  For like is known by like.  Leap clear of all that is corporeal and make yourself to a like expanse with that greatness which is beyond all measure.  Rise above all time, and become eternal, then you will apprehend God. 
Think that for you too, nothing is impossible.  Deem that you too are immortal, and that you are able to grasp all things in your thought; to know every craft and every science.  Find your home in the haunts of every living creature.  Make yourself higher than all heights and lower than all depth.  Bring together in yourself all opposites of quality; heat and cold, dryness and fluidity.  Think that you are everywhere at once; on land, at sea, in heaven.  Think that you are not yet begotten, that you are in the womb, that you are young, that you are old, that you have died, that you are in the world beyond the grave.  Grasp in your thought all this at once, all times and places, all substances and qualities and magnitudes together, then you can apprehend God. 
But if you shut off your soul and your body and abase yourself and say, “I know nothing.  I can do nothing.  I am afraid of Earth and sea.  I cannot mount to heaven.  I know not what i was, or what i shall be...then what have you to do with God?


     The overall idea of a group of people preaching peace, love and God to the masses is pretty solid.  We can all agree on that without a second thought (when we’re children who don’t yet understand what ‘true evil’ is and how it works.)  
At some point, we all have to realize evil exists, and that evil always tries to cover up its darkness with a hint of light.  
Same goes for ‘recovery’.  Some devout NA and AA members will probably feel some type of way as they read this essay.  Of course!  I’m coming at something that does wonderful things for people.  I’m blasting away at a program that literally saves lives and brings families back together.
I get the same type of negative response when I blast away at the church or the government.
But, it’s the same theme for me…always.  It falls right in line with my viewpoints on America and society as a whole.  Just because it’s good, doesn’t mean we’re not allowed to expect better.
    For example - and here is where we cross over and can potentially link the ‘deceivers’ to the ‘current recovery program’ we have in place – when’s the last time anyone in any anonymous group has mentioned the effect that psychedelics have on addiction?  
Are we still too close-minded to consider this a possibility?  That…a drug...can help you get off...drugs?  Especially a drug labeled by our government as ‘Class 1 Illegal’, which apparently means:

1.  The drug or other substance has a high potential for abuse.     FALSE
2.  The drug or other substance has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.     FALSE
3.  There is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical supervision.     FALSE!

This is common knowledge in the thinking world at this point.  LSD, psilocybin, ayahuasca and other psychedelics are being used to treat many different psychological and mental illnesses across the globe.  
They’re working.  People are travelling to the Amazon and working with Shamans to use ayahuasca and experience the profound, introspective journey themselves.
The Shamans don’t say, “2 out of 3 of these mushrooms will make you relapse,” like they do in recovery (‘2 out of 3 of the people in this room will relapse’.)   
The shamans let the Earth’s medicine teach.
Meanwhile - using fear, shame and guilt - the ‘program’ has revealed with this ‘2 of 3’ statement that it’s non-working model has them hanging on to their relevance by a thread.  Why even say that? 
The shaman’s stir boiling pots of tree bark and use sound frequencies to literally pierce your soul with love and healing.  
The AA guys go on smoke break for 15 minutes during a 60-minute meeting.  
     Are we progressing?
    Psychedelics are a vehicle that can drive you deep inside on a journey within.  If we are, in fact, using drugs to fill in a ‘missing piece’ to our soul, psychedelics will allow us to come face to face with that ‘hole’.
They can show you your inadequacies, exemplify your strengths and tease you with a glimpse of the infinite that resides in your mind.
You can see your problem(s) for exactly what they are.  You can come face to face with them.  You can sit with them for hours, sometimes uncomfortably.  And, in the end, you can move on from them.
    But, why?  Why throw us in a cage for trying to expand our thinking and find ourselves?  Why not allow research on these highly misunderstood substances?  (Substances that ancient civilizations have carved images of in stone walls to help us understand the importance they hold.)
The connection to the divine - to the Earth - is bridged by the plants, herbs and medicines that are growing beneath our feet.  We must be tactful, open-minded and responsible when it comes to drugs and their effects on our consciousness.

“Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behavior and information processing.” — Terrence Mckenna

    Ask yourself, who wants you to be ‘recovered’?  Who wants you to achieve and blossom?  Who loves you?  
Then, ask yourself, who would benefit from your addiction to a drug?  The deceivers, maybe?
The NA, AA and recovery community - if they are really for a better world full of better people - should demand an overhaul of their program.  Keep what’s working, add what’s necessary and call out the corruption of the deceivers that’s causing and perpetuating a large quantity of these internal issues that eventually lead to drug abuse.
     Drugs are better off legal.  All drugs.  Legal, and sold in proper businesses.  A few countries are doing this already, and their numbers on crime, drug trafficking and overdose have lowered dramatically since the change was implemented.
And, no, everybody didn’t just start running around all high and out of control.  Drug use, itself, actually decreased.  Have some faith in your fellow man.
And, know you have no right to try and stop him from putting a drug in his body, anyway.  The government has you thinking in the language of control and authority. 
Unplug and speak with the leaves of the trees, say thank you and please.  We’re all in this together and we ALL can achieve.
      If drugs are legal, we have the following:
  • Less people in jail.
  • Free market, which means no more garbage, basement-made, synthetic drugs like ‘K2’ or bath salts.
  • The price is dropped.  Drugs aren’t worth killing for anymore.  Eliminates street gangs and cartels.
  • People naturally feel trusted and respected.  We’ve gotten a God-given, human right back and it will feel really good to have it back.  (B/c it’s natural!)
  • Open research so we can find out the benefits of all drugs and use them accordingly.
  • Big Pharma takes a big enough hit in the pocket to potentially get rid of them altogether.
  • People openly experiment, learn new things, create new art and make new friends.

    I wish everyone the best on their journey of life and discovery and enjoyment; on their pursuit of happiness.  If you are using drugs, use them responsibly.  That’s the only way you can use drugs and maintain a healthy living.  That’s the only way you can use drugs and still afford to pay your overtaxed and overpriced rent and utilities.
If you are ‘in recovery’, do whatever you have to do to be happy.  If that means going to meetings every single day, then that means going to meetings every single day.  
I only ask that you consider the possibility that - between the deceivers, society groups and the mind games drugs can play on us after years of abuse (years of escaping a reality that wasn’t even reality to begin with) - well, you’ve just been a bit ‘asleep at the wheel’ lately.  
You’ve forgotten how strong you are.  You’ve blamed yourself for far too much of the world’s issues.  And, it’s time for you to focus on your passionate life pursuit.  It’s time to stop living in the past.  It’s time to learn new things.  
Whatever you do...don’t be afraid, and don’t beat yourself up for making a free choice with your own body.  You don’t need permission to be different, to be happy or to be incredibly driven for success.
We are all born equal.  

A video that can change your life…
The War on Consciousness - Graham Hancock (A banned TED Talk).

Thursday, November 29, 2018

A Pioneer of cHaNgE.

     Today, I am challenging each of you to be a pioneer of change within the small scope of your immediate family.  For whatever reason, the current systems we have in place (and the acceptable methods of production required to sustain them) are not in the best interest of the people (and animals) in existence, the health of the planet and our future generations.  We can't just do the same things our parents did and expect different results.

What we can do is continuously take in new information and combine new ideas with the glaringly obvious things in 'society' that need 'updating' or 'dissolving'.  (For an easy example, think, 'The traffic light system')

Along with the obvious issues we face in the world, there is a new and powerful idea being manifested across the 'globe' that has the potential to be the basis for all major change we seek to achieve.  Instead of starting with a hammer and a nail and working on one of five broken doors in our home, people are coming to the realization that the change itself has to begin...from within.  We need to step OUT of the ring, reevaluate the enemies (of potential - which includes your own mind) and get back in the fight more prepared, with defined boundaries and principles.  Gandhi probably said it first, "Be the change you wish to see in the world."

If I'm certain of one thing in life, I'm certain that our potential as human beings is something we can not currently fathom.  At this point in the 'early' stages of our collective growing process (and during what seems to be an 'early' expansion of our 'collective' consciousness.), our minds aren't capable of 'seeing' what we truly are.  Instead of pointing fingers and blame everywhere we go, each of us must turn the finger around and ask our self, "How are YOU adding to the problem(s)?  What can YOU do differently?  And, more importantly, WHY would you want the world to be a better place?  WHY do you CARE?"  (More on this idea of 'potential' later.)

     We CAN be grateful for the vast amount of amazing ideas the people before us have turned (manifested) into reality.  We can be grateful for the blood, sweat and tears.  Most of this stuff was well thought out and in place for us the very second we were born.  We've come very far as a human race.  No doubt that our parents, grandparents and ancestors should be acknowledged, praised and remembered for all of eternity.

For the current generations pushing 45, 35, and even 25 years old, how are we to be remembered?  For accepting all that is as is and participating blindly?  For disregarding our instincts and letting other people tell us how to think?  For eating it because it tasted good and was prepared quickly?  For never learning how to build a fire?  For cognitive dissonance?  For our obedience and our ALL CAP FACEBOOK POSTS?

I think the title of this blog would work out nice, if we were to be remembered as just that.  And, if the next generations followed suit - changing, progressing, evolving - we'd be right on track for the fulfillment of our potential.  Can you imagine?  Can you truly imagine the possibilities of our Human Collective Potential?  I know it's hard with the current reality you may live in.

     Maybe the first thing you can try to consider as a possibility of our true potential is that the imagination itself - anything your imagination can dream up - is, in fact, ...possible.

All of it. 

And, if you immediately doubt this idea, do me a solid and ask yourself TRUTHfully and HONestly WHY you have decided to place 'limits' on the one thing you live inside, the one thing you live 'as'.  Where dreams, emotions, pride, passion, love, relationships, memories, perspective, excitement, anguish, pain and fear ALL live...your consciousness...that undefinable, invisible, 'you'.  You've placed limits on a miracle's capabilities, as if you have any idea how any of this shit works.  You've done this, as opposed to believing in potential, agreeing with the law of attraction and creating an idea worth pondering.  You'd rather accept the script you were given for the movie of your life and doubt you play a part in writing a new, unexpected ending.

     What's that thing where they're always telling us we only use 10% of our brain?  Is anyone else interested in this other 90%?  Maybe the idea of separate dimensions with different physical laws of nature?  Eternal bliss?  A twin flame you've dated and loved and hated in a million different reincarnations on a million different planets?  A lazy river of God Milk that you float upon in pure ecstasy that's a journey (like a movie) through all the important moments and events in your life you've regressed or forgotten?  The events being played out by all the different characters you've dreamed up and met along the way?  On a moving stage that's a boat floating directly in front of you (with a butler from Planet Taste Bud on the grill?)

This is the kind of stuff I like to imagine can happen.  The more I see (and feel) love from the Earth, the more I believe in the magic.  It's like, "Mom would never show us the play room with all the toys only to tell us it was all made up and unattainable.  Right?"  So, why would 'God' equip us with an imaginative mind only for us to find out that 'dreams' are...what?  A tease?  Fake?  We're just 'making shit up' in our minds?  Shit we think would be awesome?  We're supposed to 'shut that shit off' and 'get back to work'?  Grow up? 

If you know God at all, you may know Him (Her) to never be this type of 'person'.  More than likely, She is teaching us how (to live, to love, to attain the 90%) to be properly prepared to handle what's to come, this new 'power' we'll have.

It's not a fucking game (although, it is 'kind of' a game at the same time.)  That's a truth I've placed into my 'Universal Truth Folder', which holds very few truths that I'd appropriately d*e for.  The more connected I become TO the Earth, the more the Earth reveals it's universal truths and wisdom.  The way I use the knowledge determines if I'm granted access to more.  The more that gets revealed, the harder I swallow.  'Shit gets deep', and I'll just leave that right there as just that.

     Maybe there's no Hell.  Maybe we shouldn't be 'afraid' of God (maybe).  Maybe if we fuck up our whole lives, we just go somewhere else or die.  But, what if?  What if the thing that we lose by living a certain way (destructively, hateful, violently) is access to the 'more'.  What if God has decided that we are equipped with everything we would possibly need to 'see' this truth?  She's not a hateful entity.  So, punishment's not really her thing.  But, She WILL assume that, eventually, you'll be humbled and grateful by Her Earth and Her Presence.  She WILL offer you love.  She DID put the truth in your heart, so that you can FEEL right and love and light from wrong and dark.  So that you can FEEL Her CONNECTED to you.

She's waiting for you to see what you are made of.

So, maybe the lesson at that point is for us to slowly awaken to the possibilities of infinite everything, a 'slow reveal', perhaps. (females are pretty well known for those, eh?)  As more and more people unattach themselves from the conditioning and programmed nonsense we've been fed growing up, they all start to turn from 'without' to 'within'.  Shit gets real quick.

Some people call it, "Escaping the matrix."  Or, simply, "The Awakening".  It's a restart.  And, if you're new to it, just google things like, 'The Awakening of Consciousness', 'The 11:11 Movement', or 'Breaking from the Matrix'.

For the 'awakened' ones, because of what's ACTUALLY going on in the world - especially in comparison to this new succession of realizations we're having - we then have NO CHOICE but to do our best in the collective awakening process.  (We can call it, 'Awakening to our true potential' for the sake of this essay.)

     There's another Universal Truth I've almost accepted into my folder, that the attainable 'more' can only be accessed when we ALL wake up.  It'd be a pretty simple lesson, right?  Hard work pays off.  You were given life and that's amazing in itself.  You can take life and your little 'personality' and run wild in egotistical gains, pornography and lines of crazy chemical concoctions if you'd so please.

Or, you can see life as the ultimate lesson.  You can consider the possibility that the 'final' lesson you'll learn is that WE are ONE.  We are ALL a part of the ONE.  And, that, whenever you dislike or hate someone, it's because you are simply seeing the fucking reflection of the part of your true self that you haven't come to terms with yet.  (It's like the military guy eating dinner with the vibrant gay guy.  It's a misunderstanding and a lack of information (and compassion) that makes them question each other's choices and motives.  It's not, "All gays are weird."  Or, "All military guys are scary."  It's getting to know the many different sides of you.)

You can see life as the mysterious, wonderful journey that can go on and on and never end.  Alice in Wonderland shit.  You can reach for the stars.  You can take the childlike wonder back from this 9-5, OCD animal you've let yourself become.  You can literally see fear as nothing but a shadow to your inner light, your 'Divine connection to the Cosmos'.  You can laugh at yourself when you realize that we never had to take it so seriously.  You can imagine a better world for our future, a world where we'll all stop and think, " never had to be this bad."

We just have a little work to do.  So, take your fucking hammer and start exploring the amazing depths that reside inside of you.  (Take some LSD, some 'magic' mushrooms.)  Go to the desert and eat some peyote and come to terms with all your inadequacies and weaknesses.  Come back to your family a better man.  Meditate.  BeLIEVE in the power of your 'vibe', your 'aura', your 'energy'.  Thoughts MATTER.  You don't HAVE to even listen to yourself.  Stop thinking for a moment and just look at the sky.  PreTEND you're a child again, as you gaze upon the millions of stars above us.

Everything that is...hasn't been revealed to us yet.